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Which Industries Are Most Attractive to Millennials Right Now?

Hannah Greenwood

Hannah Greenwood

employee recruiting

employee recruitingEmployee recruiting is never easy, especially if you’re targeting a specific subset of worker. With millennials poised to take over the job market in the next decade, what industries will have the highest concentration of younger generations in coming years?

According to a study by The Quarter Design, “The top five industries with the largest millennial workforce in 2017 are: healthcare, manufacturing, retail and wholesale, leisure and hospitality and professional and business services.”

As we all know, millennials have a very different outlook on career paths and opportunities compared to other generations. We are known as the dramatic job-hoppers who, on average, only stay at a job from one to five years, maximum. This makes employee recruiting difficult when trying to find the right employees who plan to stay long-term.

So, which industries are maintaining a higher millennial staff percentage and what are they doing to keep these younger generations working for them? How can we factor in millennial job needs while finding the most effective employee recruiting methods? With the study given by The Quarter Design in mind, I will discuss the top three industries listed and why millennials may be drawn to these specific fields over others.

Millennial Employee Recruiting in HealthcareMillennial Employee Recruiting in Healthcare

Examples of Jobs: nurse, medical assistant, doctor, surgeon

Pros: job stability, helping others, high pay

Cons: 24/7 hours, exposure to sickness, emotionally and physically draining at times

In 2025, millennials will make up the majority of the healthcare workforce, according to Hospitals and Health Networks – that’s a lot of millennials! Employee recruiting for these types of jobs is usually done through the schools and job fairs where millennials are always on the hunt for the next big break.

So, why do we gravitate towards the healthcare fields and stay long term? First, the pay is always on the higher end of the spectrum. We know by going into this field, there are endless possibilities to make the money we need to live comfortably and for a millennial in 2018, that is hard to come by. Second, the benefits are also something we find appealing. Health benefits are always available when you work in healthcare and with the high cost of basic insurance for a healthy 20-something, it is necessary. Third, the always gratifying feeling of being able to make a difference is something millennials highly value in a job. Lastly, there are never shortages of jobs. We can always keep searching for our perfect fit!


Example of Jobs: assembler/fabricator, brazer/cutter/solderer/welder, quality control inspector

Pros: high hourly wages, working in an innovative field, contributing to the economy

Cons: downtime when machines break or aren’t functioning properly, safety risks, machines can replace workers

There are risks going into this industry but the idea of creating something or assisting in the process is something millennials love to be a part of. We understand we are the future and need to build up the economy in order to keep it thriving. Innovation is our middle name and when we are paid well to create things that we believe in, it gives us more reason to stay and help see it through.

Retail and Wholesale

HR team discussing employee communications best practicesExample of Jobs: sales associate, store manager, visual merchandiser, buyer

Pros: every day is different, employee discounts, flexible hours

Cons: difficult customers, rarely any breaks, limit of hours per week, lower pay

Almost every millennial has worked a retail job at some point in their working lives whether it be in the grocery store or a clothing store in the mall. We usually consider these types of jobs our “side hustle” and we are grateful to have them for additional income. When you go to school full time and need a little extra cash, these jobs are perfect for working with your schedule. We love flexible hours and employee perks, that is why these industries are pertinent to millennials.

When millennials are deciding on which industry they want to work in, there are several factors involved. Does the job offer great pay, flexibility, reasonable benefits, room to grow and creative independence? If the answer is yes, you have our attention. Employee recruiting has to change accordingly by adapting to their needs. Use a technologically forward approach and show they are genuine. That is how these industries will continue to flourish and build a strong community of employees for years to come.

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