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Why Large Employers Need to Have a Dedicated HR Benefits Website

Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels

flexible employee benefits website

flexible employee benefits websiteNaturally, the bigger your company is, the more employees you have. Employee communications can quickly become expensive, especially if you’re still using printed materials such as brochures, flyers and direct mail. In order to save on overhead costs and to effectively use employee benefits communications, it’s ideal to build your own dedicated HR employee benefits website.

HR Employee Benefits Website Improves Engagement

By creating a website that solely educates your employees about the various benefits options they have available, your HR department is able to achieve higher enrollment rates. Many employees aren’t aware of the details of different health plans or only receive information about them during open enrollment when the amount of information can be overwhelming. This is why educating them and having year-round resources available for them is important. By implementing employee benefits videos, you’re able to improve both engagement and understanding, which can translate into higher enrollment.

Reduce Amount of Calls to HR

The human resources department of any large company has enough on its hands before adding the burden of organizing and communicating about employee benefits and open enrollment. A dedicated HR benefits website can be used to ease the workload of your HR department. It will reduce the volume of calls to the HR department as well as the number of one-on-one meetings—and those meetings that are still necessary will involve better-informed employees making them more productive. Employee benefits communications via a website can greatly reduce the costs that would otherwise be spent on printed educational materials like thick benefits guides and save-the-date mailers.

Overall, large employers can benefit from having a dedicated employee benefits website because it’s accessible 24/7 and can make learning about and enrolling in health plans much easier for employees, which makes the open enrollment season and year-round communications easier for HR departments to balance with their other responsibilities.

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