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Why We Created a Women’s History Postcard: Interview with Liz Gormley

Heather Bliss

Heather Bliss

We recently launched a free Digital Postcard celebrating Women’s History Month. HR teams and brokers are free to use it to educate employees and support their DE&I initiatives. 

One of our very own, Elizabeth Gormley, came up with the idea and worked with our production team to get it ready. We interviewed her to hear about her thought process, and what this month means to her.

1. What does Women’s History Month mean to you?

Women’s History Month to me is a way to reflect and celebrate not only the amazing accomplishments of women who have helped set the path for others in society but also the opportunity to recognize the many women that personally have inspired me to always think outside of the box, create change, do good, and know there are no boundaries for success.

2. We love that you came up with the idea of this postcard. Why was this important to you, and why should it be important to HR teams?

The idea of the postcard was really to remind HR teams of the importance of communicating with employees year-round on topics that help set the company culture and align with their mission. In this instance, celebrations and holidays show employees that the company is supporting a diverse and inclusive work environment and offer employees the ability to engage.

3. How did you determine what sections should be a part of that postcard?

As mentioned above, the purpose was to get people engaged and also have some fun with it. I wanted to highlight some of the great women inventors of our time and found it super interesting what they created. I also wanted to provide some ideas and inspiration on things that those can do to support women during the month and act!

4. Who is an important woman in your own life that deserves recognition?

There have been so many women mentors in my professional career that deserve so much gratitude and recognition. However, the one woman that I idealize is my mother. As a single mother of five children, a widow at a young age, she showed me truly how to accomplish anything that life throws your way. At a time when stay-at-home mothers typically did not handle finances, she persevered in learning everything she could about investments and the market for the sole purpose of providing for her children. She worked as a special education teacher utilizing her compassion for others. Even though she may have not invented something she was the true epitome of resilience.

5. Finally, how should HR teams leverage this free postcard? 

I encourage HR teams to utilize this postcard or others for year-round communication and as a way to connect with their employees. This postcard can be branded and sent out giving HR teams the ability to track the level of response. In addition to branding, companies may have their own programs to get involved in that support certain missions/programs that can easily be added to the postcard with a sign-up link or even acknowledge their own employees that are making a difference for a more customized approach.

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