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The Seven Biggest HR Challenges Companies Will Face in 2018

Jeff Daniels

Jeff Daniels

presentationBusinesses of all sizes face a variety of issues in the workplace, such as an evolving workforce, mental health issues, and cybersecurity threats. Learn more about the seven biggest HR challenges companies will face in 2018.

1. Cybersecurity

In 2017 there were some major cybersecurity breaches, which is why companies must take a proactive approach to protecting their company’s data security. If you don’t, your network could be vulnerable to intelligent cybercriminals, who are more than happy to steal or destroy sensitive information.

It is essential to keep all confidential and critical information in a secure area on your network. What’s more, you should consider using high-performing firewalls, biometric authentication methods, and data encryption for cloud solutions.

interviewing job candidate2. Recruiting

Low unemployment rates across America, mean HR teams seeking to fill a role are going up against one another for prime candidates. Businesses should consider developing an overarching recruitment strategy, which should determine how and where they will recruit, as well as specific recruitment strategies for different positions within the company. It’s also important to create a diverse recruitment team to expand the diversity of potential candidates in terms of racial makeup and gender for open roles.


3. Technology and Safety

Due to rapid technological advancements, it might be difficult for employers to identify the best innovations on the market for their business. Yet, it’s important to use the best possible tools in your organization to minimize employer liability and increase productivity.

If you want to stay at the forefront of technology within your industry, you should make time to learn more about the latest solutions on the market. For example, attending Safety 2018, an annual ASSE conference, will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the best technologies to advance your occupational safety and health (OSH) efforts.

4. Employee Leave

Many companies struggle to comply with the expansion of leave laws, which can vary wildly at a local, state, and federal levels. An employer’s jurisdiction determines the minimum leave requirements for paid sick time, bereavement, paid family leave, military leave and more.

It is, therefore, vital to gain a greater understanding of the different laws that apply and you must ensure all workers are notified of their rights. Managers and supervisors should receive training on how to effectively manage leave requests from employees.

5. The Affordable Care Act and Benefits

The ultimate fate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remains unknown and that uncertainty is leaving businesses with multiple problems. As benefits are a key attraction for top talent, employers must ensure they’re compliant with US laws. Organizations must comply with all reporting requirements in a timely manner. It’s also essential to assess each employee to determine their obligations with the ACA.

6. Employee Mental Health

Sadly, one in six Americans has mental health concerns. Companies that encourage a workaholic approach often have multiple employees experiencing mental health issues that can impact their health and well-being, as well as their performance.

It’s the role of human resources to ensure employees’ health and well-being is continually cared for at work. There are many ways employers can support their staff. For example, they can provide a benefits package that offers access to behavioral health treatments or substance abuse services. It’s beneficial to both the company and staff to encourage a healthy work/life balance. Insist employees take vacations and regular breaks at work, and allow them to work from home or enjoy flexible hours.

employee compensation and pay equity7. Pay Equity

New laws have been introduced to allow employees to enjoy greater pay equity. These include restrictions like employers no longer asking job applicants for their past or current salaries. Instead, employers must review a candidate’s proposed salary requirements and compare them against their skills, qualifications, and experience and further discuss possible ranges. What’s more, you can continue to ask for information regarding their sales history, performance history, profits generated, and hours worked, which will help you make an informed decision when recruiting a new member of staff.

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