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Author: Lauryn Nosek

Humans are creatures of habit and routine. Consistency and reliability are reassuring. Even little changes like the coffee cart moving to a different hallway can throw employees off and send productivity into a downward spiral. Having an employee benefits resource portal that’s consistent for the...

Are you concerned about navigating the COVID vaccination cycle? The flu vaccine is simple, but spend ten minutes browsing HR publications and major media sites and you'll realize the COVID vaccine isn't. Employers around the nation are struggling with: • How to determine whether they can...

The pandemic has undeniably impacted the job market. With so many furloughed or looking for new work, Flimp’s Director of Channel Sales, Stephen Graziano looks to those interviewees for answers about employee retention.Providing “3 Surefire Ways to Motivate Employees” to BenefitsPRO, he breaks each motivator...

General benefits literacy has long been lacking among America's workforce. The pandemic has been a wakeup call for many. It's encouraging workers to pay closer attention and employers to take greater steps in providing supplemental education. But so much of the focus of those efforts...

Human resources teams are adapting annual benefits enrollment practices to meet the needs of employees impacted by the pandemic. For most companies, this means switching to digital solutions to reduce in-person interaction. One of the biggest demands is for a virtual benefits fair that can replace...

Over the last few years, many companies have been revising annual benefits enrollment to keep pace with the digital world. The pandemic, however, is forcing those who've been hesitant about migrating to a new enrollment model to confront the transition all at once. It's also thrown...

In the era of the New Normal, children aren’t the only ones who’ve had to embrace digital learning. With so many annual conferences cancelled in the wake of the COVID crisis, we’re embracing virtual events and streaming alternatives. We’re proud to be a sponsor for the...

While many companies are feeling the pinch and letting people go, those in essential industries are feeling the strain in other ways. Employee satisfaction is an area taking a bit of a hit. Several industries have workers striking (or threatening to strike) over working conditions,...

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