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Employee Benefits Videos for the Future

Ben Renner

Ben Renner

viewing employee benefits videosWe’re in an exciting new era of video communications in corporate settings, and employee benefits videos are now easier to access and use as a training and employee benefits sign-up tool than ever before. The move to video has helped countless employees get the information they need and assisted them in signing up for healthcare, as well as many other opt-in benefits and services. Where can we go from here?

Better Video Communication Preparation

Planning employee communications for video takes time and effort from many company stakeholders. But with new and emerging features from video communications providers, this process is now much simpler.

Scripting and templates are becoming more common in the video communication space. Companies want to add their messaging to pre-produced videos, slideshows, and other products in a faster, easier process. Templates and scripts make it easier for companies to make all their employee communications efforts uniform and on brand.

Video experts and writers, of course, still work with clients to create custom video communications platforms and end products.

An Intranet That Works

managers reviewing employee benefits videosLocal, online workspaces can be the setting for better video communications, where explainer videos, employee benefits videos, and enrollment portals can live for all employees to access and use at their discretion. Employee communications companies today are more focused than ever on building local intranet servers and systems that bring all the information employees need to their fingertips and allow them to use that information to make the right decisions about their benefits, from healthcare coverage to retirement plans.

These online spaces have evolved over time and now offer better functionality. More than ever before, managers and company leaders can set up online spaces for their employees that are better geared to their needs. For example, a workforce with many millennials will likely appreciate a local intranet that makes it easy to access information and communicate with others, while a simpler setup might be better suited for an older workforce. There’s more power than ever in the hands of company leaders and managers when building intranets and video communications hubs.

Simplified Employee Communications

Overall, video capabilities are supposed to simplify messages for your employees and make it easier for corporate leaders and communicators to say the same thing to all employees at once. One way this simplification is already in practice is with Flimp’s digital postcards. These postcards can include videos or short messages with graphics and interactive technology that get the point across in a digestible manner for all employees. As the technology behind digital postcards continually improves, employee engagement and the metrics for measuring it become more streamlined, making it easier for workers to collaborate, learn and make decisions—and for HR departments to see the results, analyze and adjust to improve further.


With new technology improving video production and products, video communications are becoming a more important tool than ever for human resources professionals. Leaders and managers have the chance to make a lasting impact for all their employees, giving them improved abilities to decide on benefits, learn, train, respond to company messaging and more.

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