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Employee Retention: Treat Your Employees like Family

Eric Brown

Eric Brown

millennial employee retentionWhile your main goal is to make a profit in business, you should never forget the workers who made those profits happen. Keep them engaged and motivated and you will not only improve employee retention but will make your company an even bigger success because the people behind the scenes feel like a valued part of the team.

A good way to keep your employees motivated and engaged in the company is to treat them like family. Yes, your employees are your family. You spend 40 or more hours a week together. Often, this is more time than you spend with your family at home.

Bob Chapman, CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, a worldwide supplier of manufacturing technology and services has co-authored a book around this concept called Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family. The book helps companies embrace the family concept in business relationships in the workplace for CEOs and others in corporate management to view their employees as an extended part of their own families. Here are some things you can do to make your workers feel like family and produce to their maximum levels of success in the workplace:

Show Appreciation in the Workplace for Better Employee Retention

Keep the working relationship alive and well. Many times, employers will take employees for granted, especially those employees who may have been with the company for years. Employers feel they will always be there for them. In today’s changing work environment, it may not always be so. Other companies and competitors are always eyeing your top performers. Continue to show positive feedback and affection for your loyal and longtime employees. Others will pick up on these rewards and employee retention will spike. If don’t reward loyalty, your workers just might find another company that will show them more appreciation. Good employees are often hard to find, and when you do get one, do your best to keep them with your company.

Plan Quality Time outside the Office

Create family time for your employees that include activities outside of work that brings staffers together in a relaxed environment. Family time may include having a monthly happy hour, attending a sporting event, volunteering on a community project or participating in a team-building activity. Just as you plan and spend quality family time with your loved ones at home, you should do the same for your work family as well.

Make Your Employees Owners

Bill Gates allowed his first employees to share ownership of the iconic Microsoft Company. The company made history and created millionaires of those beginning employees. Now, you might not be able to make your employees owners of the company, but you can foster a culture that encourages an entrepreneurial spirit in your employees. An entrepreneurial spirit will make your employees view the company as an owner would see the firm, improving morale, accountability, and retention. Employees will take ownership of their work responsibilities because they see themselves as a contributing family member of the team.

Offer Family Perks in the Workplace

work/home life balanceA good example of a company providing family perks in the workplace is SAS, a global leader in analytics, business intelligence, and data management based in Cary, North Carolina. For many decades, the world-known company has provided onsite daycare and preschool for children. SAS is considered to be one of the Best Places to work in the country and has been named the best place to work for women, single parents, and working moms and dads. SAS is a pioneer in catering to the unique needs of families and working parents.

Companies can come up with creative and inexpensive ways to offer perks to employees that will improve or benefit their families at home, which may include:

• Flexible work schedules to accommodate family needs

• Work at home opportunities for some work assignments

• Sponsor family and work balance seminars for your staffers

• Paid-time off for family caregiving or emergencies

Many companies are beginning to see the value in embracing a family culture in their workplace. The dedicated individuals in your company that you spend more time with than your actual family at home are special to you and your success. Keep them from divorcing you by treating them like family.

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