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Manufacturer Sparks Impressive 304% Engagement Rate with Digital Employee Communications from Flimp

Ross Simons

Ross Simons

Director of Inbound Marketing


~7,500 worldwide,
560 benefits eligible

Broker: Lockton KC

The Challenge

Like many organizations in 2020, a client in the manufacturing industry was unable to hold their annual, in-person open enrollment meetings due to the pandemic. So, they turned to their benefits broker and Flimp Communications partner, Lockton, to recommend a solution for digital open enrollment. Topping their decision-criteria list was simplicity for employees and ease of implementation.

The Solution

Lockton recommended Flimp for the positive results they had seen with other clients, its full suite of integrated digital solutions and superior customer service. Since it was this client’s first foray into digital employee communications, they opted for Flimp’s OE starter package, which includes a “Digital Postcard” and announcement video. For those not familiar, a Digital Postcard is a custom-branded webpage with videos and buttons linked to documents, websites and other resources.

Lockton worked with Flimp to execute the campaign, citing how effortless it was to work with our team. They particularly liked that Flimp provided a template that was easy to follow so little input from the client was required. And this client’s team was delighted to learn that, when documents had to be updated, the process was quick, seamless, and didn’t require redistribution.

The Results

Employees were able to easily access helpful documents and websites right from the Digital Postcard to aid in their decision making. The client’s HR team was impressed by the Digital Postcard and called it “a one-stop shop for employees.” The leadership team appreciated the analytics and tracking data they never had access to before.

The Digital Postcard campaign was emailed to the client’s 560 benefits-eligible employees prior to the open enrollment period in November.

It received 764 views in the first week and 1,702 overall. That equates to an incredible 304% engagement rate! One-third of the 1,155 clicks went to their enrollment site, followed by 24% to the benefits guide, which is common for these open enrollment campaigns. 


“Flimp is easy to work
with, quick to respond, and executes the vision, while making decisions easy.”

Amber Buckley
Lockton KC

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