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Brand Management Tag

HR managers are in the midst of a global revolution for the better. We’re currently experiencing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The first of these revolutions saw the introduction of mechanization with both steam and water power. The second featured mass production made possible by electricity....

Every year, after annual enrollment season wraps up, we go back through all the work we’ve done to evaluate our products and processes to identify what we can do to better serve our clients’ needs. We’ve spent much of the first half of 2019 developing,...

Human resources personnel have many skills in their arsenal, yet these days, recruitment and retention might be the most important task they apply their skills to. Every recruitment and retention expert needs a set of skills for finding the right candidates for their company’s open...

  Diversity and inclusion are more than just buzzwords of the politically correct. Yes, they represent the right priorities, but there are bottom-line, business-driven reasons to be diverse and inclusive. A study back in 2013 actually measured its value – the “diversity dividend” is real and...

Spoiler alert: the most important health and wellness benefit for your employees is a sense of belonging. When employees feel comfortable in the office and come in ready to help advance the company’s goals every day, everyone wins. The employee health and wellness benefits industry has...

Millennials at work and many others all have an idea of what work burnout is but what are the tell-tale signs you or someone else is experiencing it? By definition, if you're feeling emotionally exhausted, detached or ineffective due to an overwhelming workload, work that leaves...

The main measure of success in our field is employee engagement; it's the Holy Grail of the profession. Engaged employees are more productive, and productive employees are able to do things for the top line, bottom line and all the lines in between that can...

Change management is often overlooked as a crucial component of any corporate structure. Most managers and business leaders believe that the time to bring in a change agent is when processes are broken, communications have ground to a halt, and the company is losing business....

It's a new year, and that means a new beginning. We resolve to lose weight, exercise more, drink less and countless other things in our personal lives. But, it's also an opportune time to focus on organizational resolutions. If nothing else, the fact that everyone...

Advertisers will tell you your brand is everything. Branding and content are essential for selling products—and social media has to play a part in any digital marketing strategy these days—but they’re also crucial for hiring talent and helping your organization grow. With most job-seekers seeking as...

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