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Communications Best Practices Tag

Financial strife, uncertainty, social isolation – COVID-19 has affected the lives of more than just those infected, and it goes beyond fear of contracting the virus. As we enter our seventh month of pandemic living, the societal changes haven’t gotten easier. We’re all still navigating...

Responding to the pandemic, many companies are planning for an annual enrollment that looks nothing like last year. Flimp Communications CEO, Wayne Wall, shared his professional insights with EBN in, “Virtual Communications Planning for Open Enrollment.” Wayne takes readers from the process of developing an enrollment...

In the era of the New Normal, children aren’t the only ones who’ve had to embrace digital learning. With so many annual conferences cancelled in the wake of the COVID crisis, we’re embracing virtual events and streaming alternatives. We’re proud to be a sponsor for the...

The COVID-19 crisis is emphasizing how important it is to stay connected with your workforce, while simultaneously making it harder to do so. The speed at which the situation is changing and the localized nature of many regulations requires targeted messaging with a quick turnaround....

Have you communicated with employees about coronavirus? It's important that they hear from employers about what's expected of them during this difficult time. Our creative team at Flimp has developed this informative COVID-19 video and digital postcard to help. There's no cost or work required to...

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