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Corporate Communications Tag

Digital Postcards, a visual content form, are a fantastic resource to improve communications to employees. We’ve consistently seen over 70% engagement rates. Flimp’s Digital Postcards are the answer to many internal, employee, and corporate communications needs. Open enrollment, benefits education, new-hire onboarding and training communications can...

The COVID-19 crisis is emphasizing how important it is to stay connected with your workforce, while simultaneously making it harder to do so. The speed at which the situation is changing and the localized nature of many regulations requires targeted messaging with a quick turnaround....

HR spends a lot of time working on the change management other departments in an organization need, and rightly so. Change in business is inevitable, and it’s human nature to resist change. HR exists, in part, to overcome that resistance and ensure staff develop and...

Most digital transformations at an organizational level come only when it’s absolutely necessary, and change management tactics often reflect this. Many take proactive measures to gradually enact practices like employees working from home or using video and decision-support tools in benefits communications. But, for the...

When it comes to change and change management, most people agree with former British Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury. He is attributed the line, “Change? Change? Aren't things bad enough already?” Change makes us uncomfortable. We have to learn new ways of doing things, and it's usually...

You see millennials at work every day, completing the typical 40 hours a week. You share an office with them. You speak to them in meetings, during coffee breaks or over daily tasks. They are your co-workers and they all come with unique personalities. When...

Human resources personnel have many skills in their arsenal, yet these days, recruitment and retention might be the most important task they apply their skills to. Every recruitment and retention expert needs a set of skills for finding the right candidates for their company’s open...

Change management comes down to proper planning, collaboration and execution. When the human resources department and the c-suite executives work together, everyone wins. The best-laid plans often become so warped when trying to lead a change initiative that it makes you wonder if planning for change...

Spoiler alert: the most important health and wellness benefit for your employees is a sense of belonging. When employees feel comfortable in the office and come in ready to help advance the company’s goals every day, everyone wins. The employee health and wellness benefits industry has...

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