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Digital Postcards Tag

Digital Postcards, a visual content form, are a fantastic resource to improve communications to employees. We’ve consistently seen over 70% engagement rates. Flimp’s Digital Postcards are the answer to many internal, employee, and corporate communications needs. Open enrollment, benefits education, new-hire onboarding and training communications can...

Humans are creatures of habit and routine. Consistency and reliability are reassuring. Even little changes like the coffee cart moving to a different hallway can throw employees off and send productivity into a downward spiral. Having an employee benefits resource portal that’s consistent for the...

This year presents a new reason to take a second look at how digital postcards improve the open enrollment process. The disruption caused by the pandemic brought an end to in-person enrollment meetings and benefits-onboarding presentations for HR and benefits providers. Workforces are virtual and...

Over the last few years, many companies have been revising annual benefits enrollment to keep pace with the digital world. The pandemic, however, is forcing those who've been hesitant about migrating to a new enrollment model to confront the transition all at once. It's also thrown...

The COVID-19 crisis is emphasizing how important it is to stay connected with your workforce, while simultaneously making it harder to do so. The speed at which the situation is changing and the localized nature of many regulations requires targeted messaging with a quick turnaround....

Robust employee communication beyond open enrollment craziness is the key to improving employee engagement and ensuring workers stay informed. But outside of annual enrollment, it can be more difficult to capture and hold workers' attention on benefits issues. That is, with the exception of major...

Have you communicated with employees about coronavirus? It's important that they hear from employers about what's expected of them during this difficult time. Our creative team at Flimp has developed this informative COVID-19 video and digital postcard to help. There's no cost or work required to...

As HR personnel, we know the importance of clear, open and transparent employee communications. Messages from management and executives down through the ranks of employees need to convey useful information in ways that resonate. The delivery system has to be easy to use, so that...

Preparing for retirement in your twenties? Is that jumping the gun? Nope. Putting a savings system in place for the future is never a bad idea. To some millennials, retirement may not even seem real because it’s so far away. But there are major benefits...

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