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Employee Retention Tag

How do you feel when someone shows appreciation and recognition of a project you completed successfully? You feel good, proud, and valued. It builds your self-worth.Well, your employees, are just like you. They need and enjoy employee recognition and appreciation for the work they do...

Have you ever spent any time on a deserted island? I have. I’ve spent seven long years on the Isle of WFH. If you’ve done a lot of remote work, you probably felt at times like you were on a deserted island. There are times when...

What are you planning on doing with your workforce post-COVID? Do you have the skillsets to manage this transition? Are you going to bring them all back into the office? Keep them all remote? Something in between?PwC asked those questions in their recent survey, and...

The pandemic has undeniably impacted the job market. With so many furloughed or looking for new work, Flimp’s Director of Channel Sales, Stephen Graziano looks to those interviewees for answers about employee retention.Providing “3 Surefire Ways to Motivate Employees” to BenefitsPRO, he breaks each motivator...

We're past the initial scramble of companies and HR managers desperate to improve training video content, challenged to reach remote workers. Today, organizations have produced more engaging employee training content to help new workers hit the ground running. For those companies in a position to...

It's an old conundrum in business. “What if we train them and they leave?” versus “What if we don't train them and they stay?” In my experience (and you should always be suspicious of anecdotal evidence), companies that train their people, tend to retain their...

While many companies are feeling the pinch and letting people go, those in essential industries are feeling the strain in other ways. Employee satisfaction is an area taking a bit of a hit. Several industries have workers striking (or threatening to strike) over working conditions,...

Employee offboarding rarely gets the attention employee onboarding does, and that’s a huge mistake. A documented, formal offboarding process, even for remote employees, prevents legal and security issues. It can provide feedback for improving processes and leaves the door open for some employees to return...

HR managers are in the midst of a global revolution for the better. We’re currently experiencing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The first of these revolutions saw the introduction of mechanization with both steam and water power. The second featured mass production made possible by electricity....

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