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Explainer Videos Tag

Not understanding benefits terminology is near the top of the list of the many reasons that open enrollment and benefits selection stresses out employees. Employers that take the extra step to educate their employees on these key terms, in advance of, and during, benefits enrollment will...

Are you concerned about navigating the COVID vaccination cycle? The flu vaccine is simple, but spend ten minutes browsing HR publications and major media sites and you'll realize the COVID vaccine isn't. Employers around the nation are struggling with: • How to determine whether they can...

Robust employee communication beyond open enrollment craziness is the key to improving employee engagement and ensuring workers stay informed. But outside of annual enrollment, it can be more difficult to capture and hold workers' attention on benefits issues. That is, with the exception of major...

As HR personnel, we know the importance of clear, open and transparent employee communications. Messages from management and executives down through the ranks of employees need to convey useful information in ways that resonate. The delivery system has to be easy to use, so that...

Customers and corporate clients respond to video in advertising. Video conferencing makes employee and internal communication easier. Explainer videos for training and onboarding processes are growing in popularity. Creating and maintaining video content is getting easier and more cost effective. These and other video communication...

Video communication is the most effective way to deliver information to the hearts and minds of your staff and 2020 isn’t going to change that. In the old days, the norm was using corporate training films shot by an outside firm that repackaged them for...

HR managers face the task of creating systems that keep employees in the building or under contract. High employee retention saves resources. Those resources can then be put to a better use than recruiting, onboarding and training batches of replacement employees every three months. With...

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