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Every time you change the channel or open your phone, there's another breaking-news update about the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be difficult to distinguish misinformation and hyperbole from what actually applies to individuals' situations. One of the biggest concerns employees have is something the news...

HR managers are in the midst of a global revolution for the better. We’re currently experiencing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The first of these revolutions saw the introduction of mechanization with both steam and water power. The second featured mass production made possible by electricity....

Workplace texting communications and instant messaging systems are nothing new. Some cutting-edge employers have been mass texting employees for a while now. In fact, the technology has been around long enough for different generations of workers to react to it in different ways. Many workers have...

HR spends a lot of time working on the change management other departments in an organization need, and rightly so. Change in business is inevitable, and it’s human nature to resist change. HR exists, in part, to overcome that resistance and ensure staff develop and...

When it comes to change and change management, most people agree with former British Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury. He is attributed the line, “Change? Change? Aren't things bad enough already?” Change makes us uncomfortable. We have to learn new ways of doing things, and it's usually...

  Diversity and inclusion are more than just buzzwords of the politically correct. Yes, they represent the right priorities, but there are bottom-line, business-driven reasons to be diverse and inclusive. A study back in 2013 actually measured its value – the “diversity dividend” is real and...

Distributed workplaces are becoming more… well, distributed. We're including workers from locations all over the world in our work groups, enabling them to collaborate and communicate with each other in real time through better employee communication videos and HR videos technology. With teams distributed across different...

Employee engagement videos have revolutionized the way human resource departments conduct business. If part of HR’s job is to ensure all employees have the ability to collaborate and communicate with each other and their superiors, then employee engagement software is a vital tool to open...

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