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Three Winning Benefits Communications Strategies for the New Year

Eric Brown

Eric Brown

office culture can be tied to employee compensation

office culture can be tied to employee compensation

Benefits communications can be overwhelming and difficult for workers to understand. Benefits open enrollment may be a stressful and dreaded experience for some employees. As a result, they give their employers low marks when it comes to communicating benefit communications and open enrollment.

Recent employee surveys reveal that over a third of employees give their companies a grade C or lower when grading their companies open enrollment processes.

But it does not have to be. It can be an exciting time for your employees to explore benefits the company has to offer. Incorporating new and exciting perks in your benefits packages will keep your employees engaged in the benefits process and even help you find talented new employees. According to the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, about 74% of firms allow their employees to work from home or telecommute. Telecommuting is a growing perk and trend for many companies. Maybe it is something to consider in your company, too.

An effective benefits communication strategy is the key to helping your employees embrace the benefits you provide. Remember, your benefits packages demonstrate how much you care for and appreciate your employees and you are eager to reward them for their services to your company. Here are three winning benefits communications strategies that can make 2018 a great year:

Make Your Benefits Communications Understandable

employee benefits communication

Most employees are not experts in understanding medical benefits, pension plans, or 401K options. Studies reveal that almost 50% of American workers do not understand their benefits packages. This lack of knowledge causes many to choose the same benefits from the previous year to avoid exploring new ones.

Make sure your employees fully understand their benefits options and perks with engaging and innovative communications that will foster better understanding and involvement. Make it simple, straightforward, and interesting. You can even utilize benefits communication videos to reinforce points and perks you want employees to remember. Utilize other technologies such as podcasts and social media to further keep employees in the loop on employee benefits.

Offer Benefits Communications Throughout the Year

It is important to continue benefits communications beyond the annual open enrollment period. The needs of workers may change throughout the year. Employees may get married, have children, get divorced, get promoted, or retire. Your communications strategy should accommodate all life changes and allow employees to make benefits changes as needed during the year. Keep your employees informed and updated about benefits through regular emails, lunch-and-learn activities, or quarterly meetings.

Make Your Benefits Communications Employee Centric

Make sure your communication is employee centric and tailored to meet their individual needs. Ask your employees the types of benefits communications they prefer, and they are more likely to stay engaged and interested in your benefits messaging and open enrollment process. Employees should be the center and focus of all communication regarding perks and benefits options of the company.

In 2018, develop benefits communications strategies that work for your company, culture, and employees. Make sure your benefits communications are accessible to all employees in the firm and deliver a message that encourages engagement, understanding, and input from every employee on the team.

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