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Using Employee Benefits Communication to Recruit

Eric Brown

Eric Brown

employee benefits communication

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Salaries are important, but sometimes benefits can be the most attractive piece of any compensation package. Get the word out with effective employee benefits communications.

The latest jobs report says the national unemployment rate is 4.1 percent. This is the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years, and that is a good thing. This suggests that the economy is on the right track and improving. But this means companies must be more creative in recruiting and retaining the best talent. Top talent is looking not only for companies that will offer professional growth, but also companies that offer superior employee benefits, too.

A 2015 Glassdoor survey reveals that almost four in five (79%) employees prefer new or more benefits to a pay increase. Furthermore, the study shows that millennials, too, value benefits over salary increases. Companies need to take a second look at their benefits packages and provide an effective employee benefits communication strategy to attract the best talent for their companies. You better believe your competition is aware of the importance of offering great benefits to employees and you should too. Popular employee benefits that workers desire include:

• Health care benefits

• Retirement savings and planning benefits

• Leave benefits

• Flexible working benefits

• Professional and career development benefits

How Do Companies Attract Top Recruits with Employee Benefits?

Demonstrate a commitment to your employees

In your employee benefits communication to recruits, show that you are committed to their health, financial security, retirement, and career development. Allow the employee benefits you offer to reflect this commitment. You should state this commitment in your recruitment brochures and other materials to attract new talent.

Reveal the benefits package of a typical employee

Create a comprehensive benefits package for the average worker at the company. The information should include all the perks, along with the annual salary, any bonuses, commissions or other applicable salary additions.

Not only show this information during interviews with new candidates, but also place it on your company career portal for online viewing. Recruits will see how you structure your benefits package and salaries.

Mention benefits and perks in job advertisements

Some companies are now including employee benefits communication in all job advertisements. You can use your employee benefits and attract people to your job postings. New candidates need to clearly understand the perks and benefits your company offers them.

Offer something different, such as daycare accommodations at the office, a unique corporate-sponsored wellness program, or generous time off for vacations. Make your benefits standout from the competition. Show that you are the better company that provides the best employee benefits package.

Use custom platforms to promote employee benefits

corporate cultureEmployers can use customized enrollment platforms to relay employment benefits to new hires and current staffers. Use corporate videos to educate recruits about your employee benefits and give current employees a visual resource to keep abreast of ever-changing employee benefits information. Videos are powerful tools to aid in recruitment and retention.

Market diversity in your employee benefits options

Make your employee benefits communication diverse to attract different groups you are trying to reach for employment. Young workers are more interested in career development programs than health-care plans. Therefore, market your employee benefits that focus on professional growth to millennials and other young recruits.

Working parents are interested in work-life balance benefits, so make sure you highlight those benefits to them. Workers over 55 are more concerned with retirement planning and health care benefits.

Learn what employees desire in their employee benefits

Employee benefits programs must continue to change with the needs of your staffers. Always engage your employees prior to open enrollment season.

Learn what they want to include in their employee benefits package. Employees can keep you up-to-date on the trends that are popular with their working peers in the job market. Tailor your benefits package to address the needs of the employee.

Hire, Grow, Succeed

Hire, grow, and succeed are the goals of any successful company. Recruiting the right talent through an effective employee benefits communication strategy is the foundation for achieving them all.

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