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Corporate Culture Tag

How do you feel when someone shows appreciation and recognition of a project you completed successfully? You feel good, proud, and valued. It builds your self-worth.Well, your employees, are just like you. They need and enjoy employee recognition and appreciation for the work they do...

Effectively reaching and engaging employees is the key to success for a human resources department. Yet, most HR professionals struggle to deliver crucial messages because employees suffer from email overload or have more pressing concerns.This past year has taught us the only certainty we can...

Financial strife, uncertainty, social isolation – COVID-19 has affected the lives of more than just those infected, and it goes beyond fear of contracting the virus. As we enter our seventh month of pandemic living, the societal changes haven’t gotten easier. We’re all still navigating...

“According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 29 percent of Americans can work from home” – The Atlantic While COVID-19 continues to affect people around the world, all we can do is keep our distance and work (if able) to maintain a sense of normalcy....

The New York Times concluded, from data and analysis cultivated by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, that men are more at risk than women when it comes to the current pandemic. But their conclusions are based strictly on the medical implications of...

Workplace texting communications and instant messaging systems are nothing new. Some cutting-edge employers have been mass texting employees for a while now. In fact, the technology has been around long enough for different generations of workers to react to it in different ways. Many workers have...

Human resources is responsible for many duties, most of which directly or indirectly affect diversity and inclusion efforts. Many company leaders still cringe a little when trying to improve diversity and inclusion. In order to include some people in your organization, you have to exclude...

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