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Employee Onboarding Tag

Humans are creatures of habit and routine. Consistency and reliability are reassuring. Even little changes like the coffee cart moving to a different hallway can throw employees off and send productivity into a downward spiral. Having an employee benefits resource portal that’s consistent for the...

We're past the initial scramble of companies and HR managers desperate to improve training video content, challenged to reach remote workers. Today, organizations have produced more engaging employee training content to help new workers hit the ground running. For those companies in a position to...

Customers and corporate clients respond to video in advertising. Video conferencing makes employee and internal communication easier. Explainer videos for training and onboarding processes are growing in popularity. Creating and maintaining video content is getting easier and more cost effective. These and other video communication...

When you stop and think about it, it’s not a big surprise that non-medical employee benefits keep employees happy. Nonetheless, some businesses have been slow to accept the idea. It’s usually the initial investment that scares them away. But slowly, more companies are realizing they...

HR managers face the task of creating systems that keep employees in the building or under contract. High employee retention saves resources. Those resources can then be put to a better use than recruiting, onboarding and training batches of replacement employees every three months. With...

Human resources is responsible for many duties, most of which directly or indirectly affect diversity and inclusion efforts. Many company leaders still cringe a little when trying to improve diversity and inclusion. In order to include some people in your organization, you have to exclude...

The employee experience is exactly what it sounds like. It describes how employees experience working for your company, and it’s too large to be seen as wholly positive or wholly negative. Frequently, there are positive aspects of miserable employee experiences and negative aspects to happy...

You probably haven't heard of Roman I. Hruska, especially in a diversity and inclusion context. That might be because he's been dead for 20 years. In his day, he was a big deal in the US Senate. Representing Nebraska for 22 years, he served as...

At this point in the employee-onboarding process, new hires are unlikely to walk away. You might have issues with some job candidates playing the field with several companies, losing candidates to your competition. But usually, if they show up for their first day of orientation,...

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