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Digital Postcards, a visual content form, are a fantastic resource to improve communications to employees. We’ve consistently seen over 70% engagement rates. Flimp’s Digital Postcards are the answer to many internal, employee, and corporate communications needs. Open enrollment, benefits education, new-hire onboarding and training communications can...

Not understanding benefits terminology is near the top of the list of the many reasons that open enrollment and benefits selection stresses out employees. Employers that take the extra step to educate their employees on these key terms, in advance of, and during, benefits enrollment will...

Humans are creatures of habit and routine. Consistency and reliability are reassuring. Even little changes like the coffee cart moving to a different hallway can throw employees off and send productivity into a downward spiral. Having an employee benefits resource portal that’s consistent for the...

We're past the initial scramble of companies and HR managers desperate to improve training video content, challenged to reach remote workers. Today, organizations have produced more engaging employee training content to help new workers hit the ground running. For those companies in a position to...

Benefits decision support has come a long way since employees had to fill out endless forms while reading nearly inscrutable jargon explaining what their benefit options were. Health insurance is still difficult for employees to understand and use efficiently. But thanks to new technology and...

Well, things are certainly different, aren't they? The plans everyone had a few months ago have gone right out the window. What do we do about it? For those of us in HR and employee communications, these are the times we've been training for all...

The COVID-19 crisis is emphasizing how important it is to stay connected with your workforce, while simultaneously making it harder to do so. The speed at which the situation is changing and the localized nature of many regulations requires targeted messaging with a quick turnaround....

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